Want to know the full story behind our new #BehindthePlexi photo-essay fundraiser to support Vancouver’s restaurant industry workers?
Check out the latest podcast from @anyatalking and @coopradio, who were gracious enough to provide our Behind the Plexi organizers @shelleymcarthur and @supyvr with a platform to lend a little insight behind the initiative.
All proceeds from the sale of each Behind the Plexi print will be dedicated to the creation of two new scholarships for restaurant workers who have experienced employment setbacks due to COVID-19 — one via the @bchospitalityfoundation and the other to the @chineserestaurantawards scholarship at Vancouver Community College.
The Chinese Restaurant Awards will also contribute $10 for every print sold from the collection of photos taken at Chinese and Taiwanese restaurants.
Check out the link in our IG bio to hear the full podcast episode!
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